
The TELES Collaboration applications provide enterprises with a simple and effective means of communication, improving internal collaboration as well as collaboration with external* partners, suppliers and customers.  Whether you are at home, on the road or sitting at your desk, our solution gives you the same level and variety of communication, including not only our desktop clients for Microsoft Windows and MacOS, but all of the functions for your Android and iOS mobile phone as well.

Managing your presence status

Unanswered calls cost time, fray nerves, and thus at the end of the day cost your company money. Our solution gives you an overview of your colleagues’ availability.  You can see at a glance whether someone is already on the phone, or out meeting with a customer.  The intelligent integration of the voicemail box allows callers to leave messages when you are not present, and you can play back these messages at any time. Not being present does not affect your ability to remain informed at all times.


  • 9 pre-defined activities
  • 10 user-definable activities
  • Group rights within a room group
  • Synchronization of all TELES softclients

Instant Messaging (Chat)

There are many ways to contact your colleagues, e-mail, phone, for example. But the shortest and most effective way of sharing information instantly is to send a chat message. The recipients are notified by a pop-up message on their monitors and a notification on their mobile phones, and can answer immediately. You can start the chat from your office, and continue it seamlessly on your mobile (on your way home, for instance). You don’t need to worry about missing anything because the messages are stored in a chat journal that can be viewed at any time, from any place.


  • 1:1 chats
  • Chat rooms (permanent and ad-hoc)
  • Transmission of files and images
  • Emoticons
  • Chat journal
  • Seamless conversation on all devices
  • On desktop and mobile phones
  • Push notifications for the mobile application

Screen Sharing

Our screen sharing function really makes it easy to work together on designs or presentations. All you have to do is start an audio or video conference, and then make it a screen sharing session. Now, regardless of their location, everyone can access the file, and you can all work towards achieving the best-possible result.

You will not need a session number for this function, nor will you have to install additional software. 


  • 1:1 Screen sharing
  • Screen sharing in conference rooms*
  • Share the entire screen or just one application
  • Multi-monitor: select which of your monitors you want to share
  • Share the cursor
  • Encoded transmission


  • No software installation needed
  • No session number needed
  • Save on travel costs

Conferences  and Guest Participants

Telephone conferences are one of the most important tools available to enterprises, for both internal use and to communicate with customers and business partners, and it is vital that they can be set up easily. TELES DesktopControl can start both planned and ad-hoc conferences quite simply. Internal participants can see the conferences in their client windows, from where they can join in. Customers and business partners (guest participants) receive an invitation by e-mail, and can take part without having to install any further software (TELES WebMeet *). The full benefits of our solution are available to all, both internal and external.


  • Audio and video conferences
  • Video up to full HD (H.264, VP8)
  • Guest participant access using TELES WebMeet (WebRTC)